Keeping To Strategic Processes Is All-Important!
Your role is really about the strategies you create and employ to optimise the value of your company’s assets.
All of these assets contain value. Therefore it is likely that, on one level or another, you are being measured on your ability to optimise these assets to attain their full strategic value.
We work with our clients on several key fronts including solutions to:
- The best ways to optimise opportunities to bring your project in on time and on budget
- How to cultivate the ability to adapt to changing circumstances
- Methods for improving your organisational structure (getting the right people to give you the results you’re looking for)
- How to determine what you really need to make the best strategic decisions
- How to avoid projects that fail to meet investor hurdle returns
A Personal Note From Sten…
I have worked on projects which require investment of anywhere from $100 million to $6 billion. There will always be a timeframe in which investors want their principal investment returned, and if you cannot show them that you are able to deliver, then your project is never going to get off the drawing board.
I offer proven methodologies that will put you on a path of creating and optimising strategic asset value from greenfield and brownfield projects, as well as from existing operations. These apply equally to situations where you know there are problems, challenges, and issues which need to be addressed sooner rather than later.

About Sten Soderstrom
Sten’s extensive knowledge and experience of this complex industry is combined with a genuine passion to help others optimise their operations and increase the market capitalisation of their companies.
With a proven methodology for creating strategic asset value founded in four key areas—commercial, legal, people, and technical, Sten understands how to bring these elements together to enable organisations to bring their projects in on time, and on budget.
In Creating & Optimising Strategic Asset Value, Sten Soderstrom reveals the roadblocks that cause senior executives to suffer setbacks and shows that it is possible to clear the path and enjoy the benefits of a smooth journey to your destination.